What is a Wind Mitigation Inspection?

Do you own your home? If yes, indeed you need a windstorm inspection!! The associated report also sent to your insurance company! End result will likely create an insurance discount off your insurance premium. Results from this inspection report, saved this client 550.00 per year off their premium! I’ve been performing these type of inspections for over 10 years, most have not heard about these and their insurance company will not mention it! This discount saves you money but, comes out of the insurance companies pocket from their premium income.

I can usually tell during my visit to the attic weather or not one was done before! Below photo reveals type of fasteners used but, no markings seen from a qualified inspector. Hence, this will be first wind mitigation inspection ever performed.

Roof to wall attachments is important feature, it’s what keeps the roof attached to the structure in the event of a storm! This fastener does a great job in protecting the roof, the structure and more importantly, the people inside!

The deck-sheathing attachment, equally as important. Insurance providers want to see these and additional information like amounts, spacing distance and number of fasteners used!

In addition, we also include photos of all elevations, openings, glazed, unglazed, roof covering materials, and weather or not there are any features for storm protection. 

Some homes would benefits from shutters or impact rated windows while others may not! Depends on several considerations. I recently inspected a home for this type of inspection, owner admitted to spending 40,000 dollars for impact rated windows. They proved to be energy efficient, not storm rated!

Get your inspection ordered today, keep that savings in your pocket and out of the carriers pocket!